at the event

todos for friday, until 5pm

assemble a team, choose a challenge and enter your peers' names and your challenge in this list.

register for zulip. join the channel `team [nr]' where `nr` is your team's number retrieved from the above step.

the material provided by the partners can be found following this link.

for wifi access, you need to download this certificate and provide it to your network manager when registering.


please fill out this post-hack survey.

final presentation

infos regarding the final presentation and the evaluation procedure can be found here.

please upload your presentation slides as .pdf-documents here. format the name it in the following way: `teamX.pdf`, where `X` is your team number. you can find your team number here.

the link to the survey for the peer review will be sent to you via e-mail.
there are 3 questions used to evaluate the final presentation. they are:
(1) was the presentation structured well?
(2) was it possible for you to understand the problem of the question?
(3) was it possible for you to get an idea of what the presenting team did during the hackathon?
